In the following blog post I will discuss my ideas for the Collaborative Research Project that I will create for Writing Research and Technology. I will create this project collaboratively with Daniele Jacob, Jazmyne Rodriguez and Kristin Schoch.
    Since this project involves some aspect of the food industry, an area that impacts all of us, I would like to explore an area that I can benefit from having more knowledge about. My idea involves exploring food labels and the ingredients listed on them. I often find that a lot of the ingredients listed on products I buy regularly are ones that I cannot pronounce, let alone identify. With that in mind, I would like to explore what some of these ingredients are. I want to be able to identify the ingredients in terms that I can understand, through my own research. Some of the questions I would like to be able to answer are: How would you describe the ingredients laymen’s terms? Are they harmful? Are they healthy? Are they ingredients that would be undesirable to consumers?
    In addition, I would like to explore what consumers would do if they had more knowledge about these ingredients. Would they continue buying them? Would they look for purer alternatives? Would they be more concerned with taste than quality? I would like to do this exploration by passing on the information that I have learned about the ingredients to consumers and observing their reactions, as well as ask them questions about their reactions.
    Another idea I would like to explore is looking exclusively at the labels of foods that claim to be “all natural” and/or “organic”. I have heard a lot in the news lately about the standards of organic food and how the requirements are not as stringent as consumers would like to think they are. I would like to see how many of the ingredients that would not be considered “all natural” by average consumers if they knew what they were.
    I believe that this research, seeking to answer these questions, would be informative and useful to consumers who care to know what is in their food.

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