This blog was written collaboratively by Kristin, Rebecca, Jazmyne, and Daniele for our Collaborative Research Project. Over the past week or two, we have been getting our ideas for the assignment off the ground. Our ideas have taken shape and changed direction once or twice already. After last week’s class meeting, we have settled on a more concrete topic. Together, we will be doing a ten minute documentary on Red Bull energy drinks. We will be focusing on its contents, its effects, and the possible dangers of mixing it with alcohol. Since its major consumer seems to be young adults and college students, this age group will serve as our main audience.
    As we are still in the early stages of development, we have not begun work on the project. We are in the preliminary stages of researching and drafting. So far, we would look at our group’s arrangement as a hierarchical structure. Our work thus far has been very divided and individual. We have yet to meet as a group outside the constraints of Tuesday at 5:20. Our team shares many of the characteristics of a hierarchical group. We have divided tasks among members. For example, the last time we met, we determined who would research what particular subtopic. Kristin will be researching the effects of Red Bull mixed with alcohol, Jazmyne will be studying the effects of it by itself, Rebecca will be researching its ingredients, and Daniele will be learning about health facts concerned with the drink. Daniele  is also interested in finding out more about Taurine, a chemical found in Red Bull. In this respect, we have divided our research tasks and goals. We will independently search books, the internet, and other sources for information. In terms of our blogs this week, we decided to create them collaboratively. We work very well with one another and are always sure to spread the workload evenly.
    While we don’t necessarily have a “leader”, we all seem to be leaders of ourselves.  We all know that our group members will hold ourselves responsible for contributing to our share of the final outcome. Each of us will bring our own findings to the table and combine our results. When we reach this point in the project, it is our assumption that we will become more dialogic in nature. Because we are creating a documentary where we will be conducting interviews, we would imagine we will be doing more “round table” discussions and work. Even though we haven’t met as a team yet, we are all very close to one another both in and outside of academia. We have already been exchanging text messages and emails in correlation with the project. We are all easily accessible individuals who will be there to help one another in our discoveries and inquires about Red Bull. We are excited to see how our Collaborative Research Project takes shape.

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