The following blog post was created for my Writing Research and Technology class. The questions being asked and answered are regarding my Twitterive and are meant to aid my process and help me to make improvements.
1. WHO are thee characters in you story?
The characters in my story are my mom and me. Since my "place" is the feelings that result from the conversations we have, I didn't think it would be appropriate to introduce any other characters. However, a potential 3rd character could be whatever voice my mom is hearing in her head that keeps her from listening to me.
2. WHAT is your story? WHAT genres/modes are you using for your story?
My story is the ongoing struggle and emotions that result from my attempts to have a successful conversation with my mother. It is also the story of how I've tried to bring our conversation problem to her attention and the feelings and reactions that result from that.
So far I have used a song, a recipe, a phone conversation, pictures, a letter, a poem, tweeets and fading font. I am currently working on more genres including the concept of a map and a story.
3. WHEN does your story take place?
While the "place" that I am discussing in my Twitterive is one that I have been in for years, my story focuses on the time when I found myself in this place more noticeably. This occurred after I left my job of 2 years in late January and it continues now.
4. WHERE is your place?
My place is a feeling of loneliness, despair and frustration that is borne out of not being heard by my mother.
5. WHY do you feel a connection/lack of connection to this place?
I found it hard to answer this question since my "place" is a feeling of disconnection.  I could answer why I find myself in that place. The reason why I find myself in this place is because I found myself in a situation that required a sympathetic ear and this has always been something that my mother has had a hard time giving. I have known that my mother has this issue, but in my vulnerability I was hoping that she would understand how serious my need was and adjust accordingly. It is also very difficult to completely eliminate your mother as a person that you can go to when you need someone to listen.
6. How do you show your audience your connection/lack of connection to this place?
I mainly show my audience my lack of connection to my place by illustrating my failed attempts to communicate with my mother and her reactions to those attempts. I also let them see what I see when I am trying to talk to her.