The following is an update on my revision plans for my Twitterive, which is a multi-gemre, multi-modal narrative that I created for Writing Research and Technology, taught by Sabatino Mangini at Rowan University.
After presenting my Twitterive, I have several ideas of how to improve it. I had an issue with the use of latitude and longitude as my repetend because the links weren't working how I wanted them to, but thanks to my classmates' suggestion, I have decided that I will keep this as my repetend and make it more clear by adding screen shots of the actual locations. I am also considering adding a map at the end which shows the entire journey to make my place even more clear to readers.
I plan to rewrite "The Letter I Wrote", since it was pointed out that while the rest of my Twitterive points to one time period, this letter goes into the general issue and is less focused on this time period. I will revise the letter to make it more specific to the issue I'm addressing. I will be sure to mention why I need my mother right now and why it is bothering me enough to write a letter, which is something I have never done before.
I have decided that I will add some comic strip conversations. These conversations will be the ones I wish I could have or what I wish my mother would say and do when I come to her with these issues. I feel that by making it a comic strip, I will make it clearer to my readers that it did not actually happen.
I am considering removing the tweets that are in the body of my Twitterive, since I am not sure why I put them there and others did not think that it adds to the Twitterive, and I agree.
Even though I expressed fear at my mother's reaction, I am considering adding a video of some sort to give another illustration of what it is like to try and talk with my mother. This is the part that I am the least sure about, and I will only do it if I can think of a way to not show her face.
Finally, I was alerted to a formatting issue with "Friday", since it blends with the text around it and does not stand out clearly. I will change all of the days of the weeks to make them stand out more and to make sure that they are all uniform.
I appreciate all of the feedback I received. I was able to use all of the suggestions I was given in some way. I am looking forward to the end product and seeing what my classmates think of the changes they helped come up with.
The following is a prologue for a project for Writing Research and Technology, called a Twitterive. A Twitterive is multimodal narrative in which multiple genres are used to show readers a person's relationship, or lack thereof, to a specific place of that person's choosing. This is the introduction to the Twitterive and is meant to illustrate my inspiration, my place, my theme and my repetend. I am still working on my Twitterive and my progress can be viewed under the assignments tab on this website.
    I discovered my place while attempting to avoid another one. My twitter posts were focused on the issues I was having before during and after quitting my job at the beginning of this semester. Since I still find that topic very depressing, I wanted to steer clear of it. Quitting was such a hard decision and I am still struggling with the change and so it continued coming up in my tweets. I realized it would be nearly impossible to not address this topic in my Twitterive in any way so I began taking a closer look at the issues that were coming up after my resignation. One that has always been there, but seems to bother me more at this time of uncertainty, is the trouble that I have completing a conversation with my mother.
    Since I can never tell when she has stopped listening, I can talk to her for long periods of time before I realize she hasn't been paying attention. I have chosen to make my place the feeling of building frustration and despair that results from these incomplete conversations. I have begun to feel like an outsider in my home, since it feels like I am the only one who encounters this problem with my her. Even though I know my mom very well, these conversations make her seem like a stranger to me, especially since I've tried to address the problem several times. My repetend is the feeling of talking to myself. All of my attempts to address the issue fall on deaf ears. It is also important to not that although this is something that bothers me, it does not define my relationship with my mom. It is just one place in our relationship.
The follow tweets inspired this Twitterive and vice versa:
  • The funny thing is, when I pretend to not listen to her she doesn't seem to notice. How do I get through???!!! #twitterive
  • She thinks I'm dramatic. Maybe I am, but how would she know when she only ever hears half of any story? #twitterive #mommyissues
  • Ever have one of those dreams when you're talking but no sound comes out? When I'm awake I'm talking, but no one can hear me #twitterive