The following is the writing process I have gone through so far in creating my Twitterive for Writing Research and Technology.
     My writing process thus far has had the appearance of being painful. Painfully slow, painfully jumbled and painfully bad. I have found the simplest tasks, such as posting to Twitter, to be incredibly frustrating, time consuming and ending in dissatisfaction. I started the assignment by reading other Twitterives and then sitting and thinking about what I wanted to say. I first experienced a disconnect when attempting to decide what I should include in the project and how to make the readers understand how I am feeling. I have been taking notes on what genres I would like to include, but I am finding that it is better to not to try and make the writing fit the genre. I need to accept the the mode as it comes. What I have come up with has come in disconnected, disjointed spasms. The most frustrating thing is that I cannot seem to dig myself out of this rut. I have attempted to change my location, my process and even my writing style, all to no avail. It has not helped that I have been waiting until the last minute to begin putting my ideas on the actual page.
    Through this process I have discovered that the disjointed spasms might be the best method for allowing my readers to understand how I feel in my place. It has been the only assignment that can be made better by this stunted, disorganized process. I can think of a random piece and add it in without thinking about organization just then. Since it is personal I  do not have to force a connection. I do not feel connected in my place, and that is the point. I am not limited by genre, and this has made the process much better. If one genre isn't working, I can move on to another, and another, and another and they will all work together to make an awesome final product. The writer's block I have been limited by is finally working in my favor. I am confident that it will all come together, and this is the first time that I have had that confidence in months.