Because there are so many ways to communicate, I have begun to take any delay in response as an intentional snub. Easy communication gives the illusion that the world revolves around me. If someone isn't answering they must be mad at me, think I'm not important or didn't like what I had to say. I mean who doesn't have their phone on them at all times? What could they possibly be doing that is keeping them from answering me right away? I've gone as far as to make up scenarios as to what their thought process was when they got my unanswered call, text, Facebook post or email. And it doesn't stop there, because if I thought up the scenario it must be true, right? So then I get mad at the offender preemptively in case my imagined reason is accurate.  Then in the continued spirit of narcissism, if I think I know why someone is calling or texting me and deem it unworthy of my attention at that time, I ignore it. After all, my time is limited and important.
  A few short years ago I refused to join any social networking sites. I didn't want people to know all of my business and felt like it was a waste of time. Once I joined, I was immediately converted and needed to know as much as I could about everyone. Once the shock of being inundated with so much information at once wore off, I shifted focus to the deterioration of grammar that take place on sites such as those. While much of my world view has been impacted by multiple modes of communication, I would like to say that I will not compromise my quality of writing.  It works to my disadvantage to have this mindset since my status updates are sometimes too long and sending texts takes longer for me than others. But who knows what the future holds? I was sure that I'd never join Facebook...
Although I don't like to admit it, I am not a digital native. I not only expect step by step instructions, I find comfort in the monotony of textbooks. I have become accustomed to and enjoy the speed at which technology provides communication and information, but there are certain settings, like the classroom, which cause me to feel uncomfortable with its use. When I am challenged to complete tasks using only digital technology, it requires much more of my time and effort and it makes me extremely nervous to think that I will have to teach things in any way other than the way I am accustomed to being taught. While I used to be proud to be a digital immigrant, I now realize that this is not necessarily the best thing, especially for a future teacher.